Tuesday 8 May 2012

Question 3. What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

The negative feedback given to us from our audience members was just as effective if not more effective than the positive comments given. The negative feedback helped us to recognise and acknwoledge the main points of our work which needed to be improved either it being slightly improved or dramatically improved as both were seen to be of vital importance when coming to our final designs. We appreciated the truthful constructive criticism provided to us by our peers, we were able to take these comments and use them to improve our work and knowledge.
We received many comments pointing out that our trailer's plot was seen to be too 'obvious' giving away the plot of the film, from this we then decided to vary certain scenes mixing many shots around, this was to keep the audience members guessing as to what was going to happen in the film, also we hoped it would entice the audience members into wanting to watch the film once we had improved this as they want to find out what happens. From our negative criticisms we realised that various parts of our work was not set our in a very 'professional' manner, we decided to look back at our research of trailers, poster and magazines to improve our skills and professionalise our work. The negative feedbacks we received were of vital importance to our final designs as we would not have recognised these certain set backs ourselves, therefore allowing us to create the best possible trailer we were able to.

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