Tuesday 8 May 2012

Question 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In the production of our media trailer, me and my partner firstly carried out plenty of research in order to gain maximum information about romantic films. Once we had collected our research, our plan for our film trailer carried out regular conventions of a romantic film with similar plots and twists. Our film follows Todorov's theory where the couple are happy together, then the male must leave for certain reasons, then the end is resolved with the dramatic middle over. This theory is applied to many films we researched, nearly being all of the films we researched. The plot of our film could be seen as typical to various other romantic dramas which we researched.

Mis En Scene:

In our research of film trailers, one trailer we analysed was Dear John. We came across many shots and scenes in Dear John which seemed highly effective on the audience, therefore we decided to use a similar element in our trailer to provide a professional feel to our trailer. The shot which we decided to replicate was a kissing scene, a kissing scene is very typical in romantic trailers therefore we felt we must include one. We intended to duplicate various rain scenes we have seen whilst part-taking in our research of film trailers, yet this was unlikely as we had to depend on many different elements to come together therefore seemed highly unlikely. We copied the use of angle and light to produce an intense scene. In general the mis en scene of our trailer helps to follow to normal conventions of a romantic film trailer.

In our trailer we tried to stay within the conventions of typical romantic characters. The male had to be a handsome yet masculine image which would attract female audience members. Where as the female had to be cute and perceived as innocent. We chose to follow these conventions as from our research we discovered this was typical in many of the trailers we saw. The male character is has clean smart hair providing that handsome image which is needed yet he has a bit of stubble which was necessary as it brought the masculine image we needed. The female character has cute features providing the view that the male character must take care of her, yet we see a clip in the trailer that presents a strong side to her female character. Both of these actors suited the characters we pictured as having very well as their personalities were well suited to the characters which they played and managed to get along superbly on set also improving the chemistry between the characters.


We decided to set our trailer in many various different locations, this creates a healthy image for the reader, widening the range at which it was based. Some of the locations we filmed were, a house, school, toilets, train station and also a local park. We filmed certain clips in the house to show scenes of the couple being together, these clips are usually seen to be the happy clips within the trailer, presenting the couple happily together. In school we filmed a close up shot of our female character, this was then used to create the effect of her 'thinking' about her options presenting more emotion towards the audience member. The clip in the toilets is a dramatic clip, we chose to use the toilet as an 'escape' for our female character to run into after hearing bad news, or after what could have been a break up, this is a vital location of our trailer as it is one of the locations at which we sucessfully applied Todorov's theory. The train station clip was also a vital clip in our trailer, this clip presents the male character as leaving therefore the audience member does not know what may occur in the film, with this clip we had to get permission from the local coucil to film in a public place.
Many trailers tend to use inter-titles to communicate with the audience, they may also use a voice over effect in order to get a message across to the audience. In our trailer we only used inter-titles to communicate by showing the audience member the actors name and when the film is likely to be in the cinema. We mainly used a voice over effect, we got this idea from our research of watching film trailers, the effect we were trying to get across to the reader through the voice over, was a sad tone using a female voice acting as though the female character was talking to the audience, this may have a strong effect of the audience member as they may feel the emotion through the voice of the voice-over creating our trailer to have a more professional approach.

In our research of film trailers we discovered that music was a vital part of the trailer, the backing music has a massive effect on the emotion set to the audience. We therefore managed to find someone who was able to play a soft acoustic tune for our trailer, once we recorded this we were able to add it to our trailer. We then had to mix it in to go in time with our voice over which was difficult to get correct, but once we managed to correct this it had a major impact on our trailer improving it massively, we recognised this as our audience members positively commented on the musical background quite frequently.

In our trailer we had a lot of editing which was needed to create the effect we were aiming to achieve. Our trailer began with very in sequence and long clips, which would give away the plot and was boring for the audience to watch. We therefore decided the best way to create a strong effect with the audience member was to create lots of short clips including many various cuts, once we added this we saw a vast improvement instantly, we gained this idea and skill through our research of analysing film trailers. From this we were able to mix our clips around more which provided a guessing effect for the audience member as they were unaware of the drama occuring. Therefore the editing of our trailer was highly important in the production of our trailer as without this we would not have been able provide our trailer with a professional effect.

In conclusion I believe that our media trailer does sucessfully develop, challenege forms and conventions of real media product. I believe that through the shots, cuts and characters used we were able to create a relatively professional romantic film trailer, also through the use of mis en scene, editing, locations and inter-titles we were able to challenge conventions of real media products, as our work is based around research from real media products.

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