Tuesday 8 May 2012

Question 2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

In our production of our poster, magazine and trailer, my partner and I decided to make separate ancillary texts, although we chose to keep the texts in similar style, we chose this to emphasize the romantic theme at which we were trying to provide to the reader. We chose to keep a romantic theme throughout our ancillary texts in order to link with our main product creating an effective combination of the three. In our research carried out on romantic posters and magazines, we realised that posters were seen as very simplistic, they were bright, stand out to the reader catching their attention whilst containing little information and detail focusing mainly on the photograph and the title of the film boldly standing out for the readers attention. From this research we came to realise the magazines which highlighted romantic films were usually seen to be your typical 'gossip' magazine therefore we had to ensure we had a similar style to create a romantic vibe to the reader.

Our magazine and posters both used different photographs, yet it is obvious that the photographs used were taken for the same production improving a link between the ancillary texts and main product. The photographs used in both the poster and the magazine are wearing the same clothes, which is also seen to be highly similar clothes to the trailer. We decided to do this as it would leave our film as being individual having a certain style through the clothes and poses they use. From the production of our trailer we were able to link the poster and magazine sucessfully with the trailer due to the similarity in clothing and specific poses, allowing the ancillary texts to positively promote the actors in the film. Therefore we are able to see the effectiveness of our main product linked with our ancillary texts, they are all used sucessfully in the promotion of our film trailer.

The romantic style we presented included various colours which sucessfully gave the romantic vibe, for the title 'Remember' this consists of mainly light blue and white. The colour blue can be represented as a romantic colour which was able to be continuingly used throughout the products. With the use of the colour white represented a sense of peace within our work, as white can be acknowledged with enlightenment and peace showing a calm nature to the reader, which we also able to use throughout our products.

Finally in the production of our ancillary texts and main production, we decided to create a company production name 'Drone productions' this is included in both the main productions and ancillary texts enabling the readers to recognise the production label, they may remember the logo or production name for future reference, as our target audience members are seen to be relatively interested in new and upcoming ideas, leading it to be seen as 'fashion', therefore heightening the effectiveness of both our main product and ancillary texts.

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