Tuesday 8 May 2012

Question 3. What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

The feedback given to us from our audience members was highly useful from both the positive feedback given back to the negative feedback. Without our audience's feedback we would not have been able to improve our trailer, enhancing our skills from the constructive criticsm given to us from our peers. The positive feedback given back to us increased our confidence levels therefore we were able to make more confident suggestions and improvements. The positive feedback helped us to recognise and acknowledge the good aspects of our work compared to what was needing to be improved. Once we recieved much positive feedback we then decided we would recognise this feedback as being the parts at which we would not have to change to our work. We were able to take the positive feedback from our work and use it for our final designs knowing they were our best aspects of our trailer. Although we had many positive comments on our work, does not mean we did not still change parts which our audience members enjoyed, for example we decided to change certain sequences of our trailer which our audience members thought 'worked well' yet we still thought there was room for improvement in order to leave our trailer being more effective. Through the feedback we were given, helped us to establish whether our trailer was attracting our target audience, yet through the positive comments and feedback from our audience members we recognised we were successfully attracting our target audience members.

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